If you relied on an AI to write a novel are you an Author?
If you relied on an AI to draw a picture are you an Artist?
If you relied on an AI to write a song are you a Musician?
If you relied on an AI to produce a movie are you a Director?
If you relied on an AI to treat a patient are you a Doctor?
If you relied on an AI to design a video game are you a Gamedev?
If you relied on an AI to develop new software are you a Software Engineer?
If you relied on an AI to advise a client are you a Lawyer?
If you relied on an AI to recreate your dead mother and father are they your Parents?
We're going to have to face these questions, ethics, morals and redefine these professions and more as #artificialintelligence starts overtaking them. And when AGI hits it's back to the drawing board all over again.